• Turf-pro™ Heat & Drought
  • Turf-pro™ Heat & Drought Specs

Seed & Fertilizer

Turf-pro™ Heat & Drought

Turf-Pro Black Beauty Heat & Drought has been a long-time favorite blend of turf professionals across the United States because it contains Jonathan Green’s most drought tolerant varieties. With roots that can grow up to 4 feet deep and a waxy leaf coating (like the skin on an apple), Black Beauty Heat & Drought holds and preserves moisture while, at the same time, limits evaporation. It also withstands heavy traffic, naturally resists insects and diseases, and thrives in sunny and shady areas. Turf-Pro Black Beauty Heat & Drought is sure to provide you with a healthy, dark-green lawn for years to come. Seed should germinate in 10 - 14 days. Black Beauty varieties root deeply, contain a waxy leaf coating to preserve moisture, have a uniform growth habit, and are grown by leading sod growers across the United States 

Source: https://jonathangreen.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Turf-Pro-Heat-and-Drought-tech-sheet.pdf

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