Sakrete | Mortar Mix - 80lbs.

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Sakrete | Mortar Mix - 80lbs.

Type S is the most flexible mix, perfect for every masonry project. Engineered for laying block or stone above- or below-grade, or as a stucco mix, Type S mortar is the pro-grade mortar mix you need to get the job done right.Product Details
  • Use for laying block or stone above- or below-grade
  • Can be used for scratch, brown, and finish stucco coats
  • Use for applications from 1/4" to 1/2"
  • Mortar yield (80# bag): Lay 12 standard 8" block; Lay 35 standard bricks; Set 10 ft2 of cultured stone
  • Stucco yield (80# bag): Covers 70 ft2 at 1/8" thick

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