• Flexlock Sand G2-RAPID Set 50 Lb - GREY
  • Flexlock Sand G2-RAPID Set 50 Lb - BEIGE

Poly Sand, Glue, Tools, Etc.

Flexlock Sand G2-RAPID Set 50 Lb - BEIGE

Flexlock Sand G2 is made with a state-of-the-art manufacturing process. Specifically, calibrated sand is mixed with sophisticated intelligent polymers. This new generation of intelligent polymers neutralizes haze and dust. No blower is needed, and the intelligent polymeric sand requires only one watering; 30 sq.ft. for 30 seconds. The sand is rain safe 15-minutes after the watering. Flexlock Sand G2 is recommended for a variety of uses including pool decks, patios, footpaths, driveways, parking spaces, pavements, etc. Available in Sandy Beige and Graphite Grey. It sets above the freezing temperature of 32°F (0°C) and can be used for joints up to a maximum of 2″ (5 cm). ASTM C-144 gradation of the polymeric sand allows use in even the tightest joints. Flexlock Sand helps prevent weeds and damage caused by burrowing insects, as well as in preventing erosion due to wind, rain, and freeze/thaw cycles.

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